Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mega-Epic Contest Hosted by Shannon Whitney Messenger

If you are interested in an Uber-Awesome blog click HERE!

If you are interested in a Mega-Epic Contest click HERE!

So, I found this via a fellow blogger's bliggity-blog and decided to head on over to see what it was all about.  I mean, who doesn't love a Mega-Epic contest?

((Don't forget- get me 100 subscribers and I'll be hosting my first!  We'll just call it a Flippin' Fabulous First Contest!))

Shannon Whitney Messenger claims her blog is the ramblings of a wannabe scribe but I beg to differ.  Or I should just say if that is what it is like to be a wannabe scribe then I pray I one day get dubbed a "wannabe.'

But seriously, don't just rush over without checking around her blog.  She has some to-die-for pictures with authors I can only dream about meeting... she's a writer (I can only hope I find an agent as she has)... and she seems like One Cool Gal.

So yes, click HERE, if you are interested :-)

Contest Ends Sunday, August 22 so click on over there quick.

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