Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Musts : B&N PubIt! Reads No.2

No neat lil' graphic here yet, just a good ol' list of my B&N PubIt! Monday Musts!

Those who have ever taken note of my reading patterns or recommendations may or may not notice I am in love with the B&N PubIt! category over at Barnes & Noble. I mean, really, I frickin' love it. Books, self-published or traditionally published, both make the lists. These reads usually range from $.99-$4.99, sometimes a little higher. I go for the hidden gems, the ones which may or may not be perfect. Sometimes I have to overlook some grammatical errors, some formatting issues, or a chopped up plot or sentence... but when you really look beneath all of that to the core of the story sometimes you'll find something you really enjoy despite any quirks the book may have.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've had a few not-so-good ones. I mean, majorly. Books which claim to be a novel but turn out to be 7 pages or authors who clearly don't realize that they're and there and their are not the same word.

So until I get a neat graphic and an official by-line I'll just leave with you with my newest favorite B&N PubIt! find!

Anew by Chelsea Fine
Released: December 07, 2011
Young Adult
| Chelsea Fine |

Two years ago, Scarlet awoke in the forest alone, afraid, and unable to remember anything. Lost and confused, her life was a mystery...until she met a boy with a familiar voice.

Gabriel Archer has a voice from her past, and Scarlet's determined to remember why. She immerses herself in his life only to discover he has a brother he's kept hidden from her: Tristan Archer.

Upon meeting Tristan, Scarlet's world becomes even more muddled. While she's instinctively drawn to Gabriel, she's impossibly drawn to Tristan--and confused out of her mind. As she tries to piece together her history Scarlet realizes her past...might just be the death of her.

There was just so much right with Anew and I'm suffering from a book-hangover from it. Good thing not all hangovers are bad :-)

Expect a review of this new-favorite soon!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good read!

    It is times like these where I wish there wasn't region restrictions on ebooks :(


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