Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble, Gobble

I bid you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. Though, the origin of the Thanksgiving feast is not one I can say I can agree with I do believe in the holiday set aside to gather with family and friends and note what you have to be thankful for.

I have so much to be thankful for, it really is amazing.

My amazing husband, my incredible son, my supportive and loving parents, my family. My friends and hockey (extended) family. The roof we have over our heads, although my flooring situation has yet to be remedied, and the wonderful animals who offer us smiles daily. Having a sport and hobby we all share as a family, hockey! Our ability to afford hobbies and the personal satisfaction we receive from them as individuals. I'm thankful for having a doctor who has taken time to help me improve my quality of health and my life. I'm thankful we can afford to eat and buy things when they are needed without worrying how we are going to make it to tomorrow.

I'm just thankful. For so. damned. much. I'd be a fool to not see it.

I also thank my followers and readers who have stuck with me despite my frequent time away while I get my health in order and enjoy and take on daily life. I've come to the realization that you don't have to post daily to be a good book blogger- you just have to put effort into what you do post and have a common love for books :-)

I hope you all have a fabulous evening and hope you all take a moment to remember the things that truly matter in life.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good time to reflect on things we are thankful for - family is at the top of my list.


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